Crowdaction campaign for Faircoin real economy

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During the past two years the FairCoop ecosystem has grown and is making a huge effort to ensure stability and keep Faircoin in the hands of the movement, as well as developing tools to make it easy for everybody to use it. Now with the launch of Fairpay, it is the moment to give a boost to this stability in order to make Faircoin a useful currency to create the real circular economy we all need. This is why we are starting this crowdaction campaign.

We are at a time in which Faircoin needs to advance in terms of use and stability. We now have many merchants with shops in Fairmarket, physical stores listed at and are preparing for more to join with the launch of Fairpay.

We are in need of liquidity in our commitment to merchants that need to change Faircoin into euros.

At any given time, real growth in the Faircoin economy could have a short term consequence with regard to euro liquidity. As the current Faircoin holders could be the ones who use more their Faircoins, moving them to merchants and creating more petitions to change Faircoins to euros.
This usage growth needs, therefore, go by hand with a growth in the exchange from euros to faircoin in order to cover the liquidity needs.

The goal is to help grow the exchanges in Getfaircoin from euros to Faircoin, in order to support FairCoop ecosystem stability . To achieve that goal we are making a call to all the people who want to join this global movement and contribute to make it strong.

How do we do it?
We need to achieve the goal of 6000 eur/month liquidity. This amount is calculated on the basis of being able to cover by four times or five times the current euro demands of faircoop merchants, before Fairpay has been launched. We would like to give a strong message that we have sufficient reserves for merchants needs.

The main goal is to give more security to producers and merchants, but additionally:

– To distribute more income to people contributing in the priorities of the Faircoop ecosystem.

– To cover specific development needs, which requires extra funding.

– To buy up currency in bittrex contributing to the global stability of the ecosystem. and recovering more faircoins in the hands of Faircoop.

Rather than looking for big partners and creating a dependency on them, we will make our economy stronger if we can take advantage of the community we already are, where uniting a few hundred people is achievable.

This crowdaction campaign consists of a commitment of those who want to contribute to the FairCoop ecosystem, and also who already are doing so, to exchange euros to Faircoin on a monthly basis. So, achieving this goal with the commitment of the community will send a strong message of support to the many that could be looking at Faircoin and FairCoop but are still unsure.

We look forward to a long term commitment but would always be open to adjust to your circumstances if they change beyond your prevision.

Goal: 6000 eur / month commitment.

The amount that you are suggested to contribute is between 10 and 100 euros monthly. It can be achieved by many members, as an example:

120 members commited to exchange 50 euros monthly

200 members commited to exchange 30 euros monthly

400 members commited to exchange 15 euros monthly

The more we are the stronger we’ll be

How to join
By joining the crowdaction you should pay the first month, at least, and then we keep in touch, for the following payments.

Furthermore, we could personalize payment methods case by case. As an example:

– Monthly bank transfer

– Annual or quarterly contributions

– Pay it at the local nodes exchange offices

– Pay monthly in Bitcoin, etc…

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