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FairCoop Summer Camp 2015

This summer FairCoop is holding its first Summer Camp on the island of Crete (Greece) from July 15 to August 15.
This camp aims to be a team workspace where we:
  • Focus on developing and improving the various aspects of FairCoop
  • The exchange of experiences, needs, and alternatives among stakeholders in promoting and facilitating the Integral Revolution.
  • Also to forge synergies and mutual aid relationships with local activist groups on the island. 
  • And of course to strength the FairCoop community: a unique opportunity to socialise, learn, and create this project together – every day it’s getting bigger and stronger.
The Summer Camp will be possible thanks to the motivation, commitment and work of some local groups who, since last April, organized the Commons Fest on Crete; an initiative for the promotion of free knowledge and peer collaboration for the creation and management of common property. On that occasion, members of the Catalan Integral Cooperative (CIC) were invited to participate in Heraklion for a two-day event entitled “Developing Collaborative Structures for the Commons, where groups from Heraklion, Rethymnon and Chania had the opportunity to meet, share experiences, and discuss proposals with regard to self-organisation, collaboration, solidarity and the common good.
For now, we‘ll keep you updated in this thread of our Fairnetwork
Fill this form and participate!!! >>  /participe-faircoop-summer-camp-2015/

A FairCoop lança a primeira ronda de investimentos através do seu projecto Coopshares

Coincidindo com o encerramento do Ouishare Fest 2015, onde fomos nomeados na categoria de Finanças Colaborativas, iniciamos a campanha de inversão colaborativa em Coopshares !
Coopshares é uma cooperativa descentralizada focada em dotar ao ecosistema da FairCoop a liquidez e recursos para financiar a o processo de transição do capitalismo para uma economia descentralizada.
O que está previsto é :
– um fundo de liquidez para construir um ecosistema economico confiavél e resilente em todos o mundo, que proporcione a partilha equitativa da actividade de todos os serviços e usuarios envolvidos.
– um fundo de investimentos cooperativo para os projectos da Coopshares e para o desenvolvimento de uma rede P2P de investimentos de capital social de cooperativas como recurso chave para o projecto de incubação FairStarts.
– e um fundo de desenvolvimento, com o objectivo de impulsionar FairCoop nos próximos 12 meses para apoiar projetos como FairCoin 2.0 Coopshares, FairMarket, Fairstarts ou Faircredit.
Para conseguir tudo isto, um dos objectivos principais é criar uma Platadorma P2P de investimentos de capital ( também conhecida com crypto-equitity) centrada em cooperativas, empresas sociais e projectos de produção P2P, que será suportada pela FairCoop e se na FairCoin.
“Coopshares será a primeira plataforma cooperativa P2P disponivel para ajudar outras cooperativas
A plataforma Coopshares caracteriza-se por facilitar os investimentos em projectos cooperativos eliminando a componente especulativa que existe actualmente no mercado das criptomoedas, através de um sistema em que a entrada e saida de valores para cada “token” de capital social está ligado a este crescimento e decrescimento de um numero de participações em vez do seu valor, sendo assim coerente com os valores cooperativos.
Aproveitando a força de FairCoin como reserva de valor e moeda ao serviço do ecosistema cooperativo, Coopshares quer resolver um dos principais problemas que as cooperativas e empresas sem fins lucrativos enfrentam ao tentar encontrar financiamento para este tipo de projectos.

Coopshares is up and running. Right now is the best moment to become a member!

Coopshares is a decentralised cooperative destined to provide FairCoop and the global open cooperative ecosystem with sources for funding and liquidity to make it easier and less risky for everyone to be involved in the transition to the new social economy that is going to be born after the era of capitalism.
To promote Coopshares, all investments made during the month of June (FEHIB – Mixed Fund and Faircoin/Euro) will receive a bonus of 10% extra Faircoins.
Now you can become a member of Coopshares and start investing cooperatively as much as you like. Participation in Coopshares is one of the best ways to support FairCoop.
Your investment in the project will allow Coopshares to provide the liquidity necessary for the security and stability of all the businesses involved in the implementation of FairMarket.
Coopshares will be a P2P equity crowdfunding platform focused on cooperatives, social enterprises, and P2P production projects – an alternative to bank credit allowing us to finance an economy at the service of the people.
Become a member and make your cooperative investment here:
We suggest that you also check out this presentation:
post in Spanish | French

The donation campaign continues!

Is there a better way to get started in the world of cryptocurrencies than receiving a donation?
As part of the fundraising campaign promoted by FairCoop, more than thirty non-profit organizations have already received a donation of 1000 Faircoins to be in line with the principles and values of FairCoop and integrate our cryptocurrency as a tool for donations.
The objectives and origins of these organizations are varied. Some of them are dedicated to the defense and promotion of free knowledge as the Free Knowledge Institute (FKI), the Networked Labour University and the P2P Foundation having in common to pursuing the free exchange of knowledge in all areas of society, promoting its freedom of use , modification, copying and distribution. Similar is the case of Imaxinaria, a Galician cooperative that promotes free culture and open knowledge.
Other organizations are dedicated to supporting and spreading the good use of technologies looking for responsible and reflexive appropriation in the various sectors of society (such as Fundación Karisma) as well as the use and development of free software like Sugar Labs Perú that has been involved in the development of free software for primary education. At the educational level, Valleybound (Germany), a garden and farm school for adults and children and “l’Albada Association” (Catalonia) try to leave their fingerprint in the educational field.
We also find organizations linked to art and culture such as collaborative creative platform Platohedro (Colombia) dedicated to artistic experimentation, ongoing research of free culture and the pursuit of the common good through training and creative process open to all .
So far, we have mentioned a few of the organizations involved (you can view the complete list: All have something in common from their particular field, they are working to build a fairer world. And this is just why FairCoop seeks through its donation campaign to support and promote these initiatives.! There are still nearly 70 donations of 1000 Faircoins available so you are still in time to participate!

Fairsaving: Collaborative Saving with FairCoop

Storing your Faircoins without a wallet is possible thanks to Fairsaving, the saving service of FairCoop. Those who want Farcoins but do not have their own computer or even those that  do have one but don’t want to bother with managing a wallet, can use Fairsaving instead.
This service is an alternative way of saving, beyond the control of states and banks.
It aims to provide a system of ethical savings which in turn contributes to the stability of Faircoin, the reserve of value of the FairCoop ecosystem and Fairfunds. Therefore, the only condition is to save the Faircoins for a minimum period of six months.
fairsavingkeyboard72pppThe advantages are clear: first, you can have your savings in a safe place and receive new Faircoins as a result of the Faircoin ‘minting process, and on the other your investment helps to develop and strengthen the various initiatives that  will be generated through Fairstarts and Coopshares.
Since it was launched in September 2014, there are a total of 55 individuals and collectives who have put their savings in FairCoop’s Fairsaving  service. At present, Fairsaving has a total of over 400,000 FAIR saved; a substantial amount bearing in mind that we are still in the early stages of building the system.
But the news about Fairsaving does not end here. Currently we are promoting a network of ‘Fairsavers with two clear objectives: first, to help improve the stability of Faircoin buying; prioritising long-term savings over short-term purchases, and on the other hand to encourage  users to participate through making regular savings in Faircoin as we usually do in our daily lives, earmarking a specific amount per month. Thus, Fairsaving has been designed as an ethical alternative for savings keeping our reserves away from the grasping hands of banks and the system avoiding, for example, that they can be frozen or devalued at their whim.
As more Faircoins come into the hands of the Fairsaving movement, the more likely we are to successfully contribute to the goals of FairCoop.
Think Fair and join the Fairsavers movement!
***Just click to be part of Fairsaving! (example:Get your FAIR by Bank Transfer) ***
2. Select the option Get Faircoin with WIRE TRANSFER‘.
3. Select the quantity of FAIR to buy.
4. Click on the GET FAIRCOIN NOW button.
5. Fill in the form (email, name, surname and check the option: FAIRSAVING SERVICE), then confirm the purchase.
6. It will take you to a page with the information necessary to make the transfer and thus proceed with the purchase of your FAIR.
7. At the same time, you will also receive a message to the email account provided with the data for the transfer.
8. Once the transfer is successfully processed, you will receive an email giving you the new Faircoin address associated with your Fairsaving account and the amount of your saved FAIR.

F5 Fairforest


Queremos partilhar este diagrama para visualizar como funciona actualmente o ecosistema da FairCoop e em que fases de desenvolvimento se encontram os diferentes projectos.
Quanto ao sistema operacional, a FairNetwork é a rede social e o espaço virtual central para comunicar entre os membros, para organizar os processos da FairCoop, as tomadas de decisões, é um dos projectos que está completamente operacional, novos membros vão-se juntando e toda a actividade do forum está em plena evolução .
As mesmo tempo os nós locais estão a ser criados e activados. O conselho ecosistéminco também se encontra operativo realizando encontros periodicas para tratar de temas chave e tomar decisões colectivas.
O sistema técnologico, do sul global e o do comum, ainda que contenha alguns conselheiros, precisam de um impulso para que voltem a ser activados.
Tudo isto fez com que os FairFunds ( os nossos fundos destinados a doações para projectos de intercambio ) também se não se encontrem activos; estão criados – e o seu valor actual é de 400.000€ , mas de qualquer das formas necessitamos de um sistema participativo que consiga impulsionar dinamicas e mecanismos que os ponham em funcionamento e inciem esta redestribuição.
Como podemos observar, nesta FairForest encontramos projectos em pleno funcionamento com a FairCoin, o FairSaving – um sistema de poupança para FairCoin, o GetFairCoin – Plataforma que permite compra FairCoins , e a actual campanha de doações que pretende promover o FairCoin, como meio de receber doações e que oferece 1000 FairCoins às 100 primeiras organizações sem fins lucrativos que compartilhem os principios da FairCoop e que assumam na campanha.
As diversas cooperações e colaborações que se estão a levar a cabo com base na FairCoin : colaborações muito importantes como o BetaBank, Bitbill – plataforma que possibilita pagar facturas com FairCoins, a FairtoEarth – aplicação para android que permite converter os FairCoins em dinheiro . 
Sem duvida alguma, todas estas ferramentas conseguem que, dia a dia, a FairCoin obtenha mais usabilidade, valor e relevancia no mercado das criptomoedas.
Um objectivo que está claramente no horizonte é o FairCredit – a ferramenta monetária mais esperada do ecosistema da FairCoop que permite desenvolvermos assim que tivermos os recursos necessários.
Alguns projectos que ainda se encontram em fase alfa como o FairMarket que foi recentemente lançado – O mercado virtual da FairCoop .
Outros ainda em fase de lançamento: como o FairStarts – uma rede de incubadoras de projectos focados no cooperativismo aberto e na produção do comum/p2p e o Coopshares, que, muito mais do que colocar a disposição uma plataforma de investimentos dos projectos da rede FairStarts e muito mais, dota de liquidez e estabilidade a FairCoin e ao Ecosistema FairCoop.
FairCoop está a ser construida e a ganhar força. Vai somando mais participação e mais projectos e espera continuar implementando novos desenvolvimentos durante os próximos meses. Mais iniciativas, ideias, alternativas e cooperações são sempre bem vindas e teram o seu espaço neste processo de transição apra uma nova economia social pós-capitalista que estamos contruindo.
################ Help us spread FairCoop in your language! ################
Because it is important for us at FairCoop to reach everyone, we are adding more and more languages to our website!
The site is already available in 8 languages: English, German, Spanish, Catalan, Italian, French, Portuguese, … and will soon be also available in Romanian, Chinese and, hopefully, in Greek!
If you want to join the volunteer team of translators and help us translate the existing content on our website, plus new posts and materials that will spread the FairCoop message in your language, you are welcome to join us!
1) Register on the Network: /register/
“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head.
If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart” (Nelson Mandela)

This post is also available in: Inglês Espanhol Francês Catalão Chinês Alemão Grego Italiano